영드로 배우는 영국식 영어표현
<Miranda 1x05>
loom 곧 닥칠 것처럼 보이다
If something looms over you, it appears as a large or unclear shape, often in a frightening way.
You know when you get stressed the little things get to you.
스트레스 받으면 사소한 걸로 짜증나잖아요
get to somebody ~를 괴롭히다
to begin to annoy, anger, upset or affect somebody, even though they try not to let it.
His constant nagging is beginning to get to her. 그의 끊임없는 잔소리가 그녀를 괴롭히기 시작했다.
I shall explain this as clearly and professionally as I can. 내가 할 수 있는 한 명백하고 전문적으로 설명할게
I don’t know who St valentine was, but I hope he died alone surrounded by couples.
발렌타인이 누구였는지는 모르겠지만 커플에 둘러싸여서 외롭게 죽었길 바란다
rear its ugly head (악한 마음 따위가) 고개를 들다
appear again after being hidden or forgotten
Finally, the spy rears his ugly head. 이제서야 스파이가 추악한 고개를 드는군.
I’m notoriously bad at excuses, you know that. 나는 변명을 못하기로 유명하잖아
notoriously 악명 높게, 주지의 사실로서
His philosophical work is notoriously impenetrable. 그의 철학적인 작품은 이해하기 어렵기로 악명이 높다.
What if someone asks you to the cinema and you don’t want to go? 누가 영화관 가자고 했는데 가기 싫으면 어떡해?
It was absolutely mortifying at the wedding on Saturday. 토요일 결혼식은 정말 굴욕적이었어
How mortifying to have to apologize to him! 그에게 사과를 해야 하다니 얼마나 굴욕스러운지!
mortifying 분한, 원통한
If you say that something is mortifying, you mean that it makes you feel extremely ashamed or embarrassed.
House of Commons 하원 의사당
The House of Commons is the part of parliament in Britain or Canada whose members are elected. The building where they meet is also called the House of Commons.
You’re not an MP. 너 하원의원 아니잖니
MP 하원 의원
In Britain, an MP is a person who has been elected to represent the people from a particular area in the House of Commons. MP is an abbreviation for Member of Parliament.
satire 풍자
Satire is the use of humour or exaggeration in order to show how foolish or wicked some people’s behaviour or ideas are.
The novel is a stinging satire on American politics. 그 소설은 미국 정치에 대한 날카로운 풍자이다.
the/a slippery slope 위험한 비탈길 (일단 시작하면 중단하기 어렵고 파국으로 치달을 수 있는 행동 방향)
a situation or way of behaving that could quickly lead to danger, disaster, failure, etc.
To be honest, I could do with the business. 솔직히 사업으로 생각할 수도 있어
I can’t believe how much takings are gone down since you went on a diet. 네가 다이어트 시작한 후로 매출이 얼마나 많이 줄었는데
takings 매출액
You can use takings to refer to the amount of money that a business such as a shop or a cinema gets from selling its goods or tickets during a particular period.
The box office takings are up on last week. 지난주에는 극장 표 매출액이 증가했다.
manoeuvre 동작, 움직임
hoover 진공청소기로 청소하다
If you hoover a room or a carpet, you clean it using a vacuum cleaner.
hoover something up 진공청소기로 ~을 빨아들이다
Hopefully, being set up will give you much-needed practice in the dating department.
소개 받는 게 데이트 쪽에서 네게 많이 필요한 연습을 하게 해줄 거야
much-needed 많이 필요한
much-needed rain 단비
country estate 국가 토지, 재산
The noblewoman lived on a country estate. 그 귀부인은 국가 재산에 의존해 살았다.
toddler 걸음마를 배우는 아이
A toddler is a young child who has only just learned to walk or who still walks unsteadily with small, quick steps.
WeightWatchers 체중 감량 프로그램
an organization that assists people who want to lose weight
Have you thought this through? 제대로 생각해보신 거예요?
To be fair, I didn’t know the circumstances. 공정하게, 저는 상황을 몰랐잖아요
You can’t ask a customer to leave. 손님한테 가라고 하면 안되지
I can if he’s annoying me. 날 짜증나게 하면 그래도 돼
Stay and browse. (가게에서) 남아서 둘러보세요
Stress is not good for the body. 스트레스는 몸에 안 좋아요
You would not be punching below your weight. 너보다 못한 사람은 아니야
punch below your weight 능력보다 낮은 일을 하다
do an activity that might be considered below your abilities.
I hate being set up. 소개 받는 거 싫어
set somebody up ~를 소개시켜주다
to arrange for somebody to meet somebody so that they can have a romantic or sexual relationship.
I thought he would set me up with a blind date. 난 걔가 미팅을 시켜줄 줄 알았다.
You know where I am if you change your mind. 마음이 바뀌면 내가 어디 있는지는 알지 (연락해)
bloke 사람, 녀석
A bloke is a man.
He seemed like a nice bloke. 그는 좋은 사람 같아 보였다.
fussy 안달복달하는, 까다로운
Someone who is fussy is very concerned with unimportant details and is difficult to please.
She’s such a fussy eater. 그녀는 먹는 것에 대해 너무 유난스럽다.
lookalike ~를 닮은 사람
A lookalike is someone who has a very similar appearance to another person, especially a famous person.
an Elvis look-alike. 엘비스를 닮은 사람
I can’t abide a high piched voice. 목소리가 고음인 사람을 못 참아요
abide 참다, 견디다
If you can’t abide someone or something, you dislike them very much.
I can’t abide people with no sense of humour. 나는 유머 감각이 없는 사람은 질색이다.
I should have thought your family would come first. 가족이 먼저지
What did you do that for? 대체 왜 그런 거야?
It’s the ticket out. 이게 탈출구야
shedload 엄청난 양
a very large amount or number.
This should save you shedloads. 이렇게 하면 당신의 돈이 엄청 절약될 것이다.
It’s got to be something subtle I can slip into a social situation.
사교적인 상황에서도 할 수 있게 감지하기 힘든 거여야 해요
subtle 미묘한, 감지하기 힘든
Something that is subtle is not immediately obvious or noticeable.
There are subtle differences between the two versions. 그 두 가지 해석 사이에는 미묘한 차이가 있다.
slip into ~에 빠지다
to pass into a particular state or situation, especially a difficult or unpleasant one
It amazed him how easily one could slip into a routine.
cubicle (칸막이 해 만든) 좁은 방
A cubicle is a very small enclosed area, for example one where you can have a shower or change your clothes.
Sue studies in a cubicle in the school library. Sue는 학교 도서관의 개인 열람석에서 공부한다.
blimey 맙소사, 어이쿠
You say blimey when you are surprised by something or feel strongly about it.
Blimey, it’s hot today. 어이쿠, 오늘 날이 덥구먼!
I was wondering if I could have some more sauce. 소스를 더 줄 수 있는지 궁금해요
I just have a feeling I might need some more sauce. 소스가 더 필요할 것 같은 기분이 드네요
I mean this in the nicest, most well-meaning way possible,
이건 가능한 한 가장 다정하고 선의로 말하는 건데
well-meaning 선의의, 선의로 한
If you say that a person or their actions are well-meaning, you mean that they intend to be helpful or kind but they are unsuccessful or cause problems.
He is a well-meaning but ineffectual leader. 그는 선의는 있으나 지도자로서 무능하다.
That’s not going to happen in 24 years, is it? Let alone 24 hours.
그런 일은 24년 동안 일어나지 않을 거야, 그치? 24시간은커녕
let alone ~는 커녕
used after a statement to emphasize that because the first thing is not true or possible, the next thing cannot be true or possible either
There isn’t enough room for us, let alone any guests. 손님은커녕 우리 쓸 공간도 충분치가 않다.
Oh, can you ask Miranda for her hand in marriage? 미란다한테 청혼해줄 수 있어요?
ask for hand in marriage 청혼하다
Men are lined up to ask for her hand in marriage. 그녀와 결혼하겠다는 남자들이 줄을 섰다.
If you come out, there’s a chance your mother will never talk to you again?
커밍아웃하면 어머니가 다시는 당신과 말을 하지 않을 가능성도 있어요
This plan has no downside. 이 계획은 단점이 없어
downside 불리한/덜 긍정적인 면
The downside of a situation is the aspect of it which is less positive, pleasant, or useful than its other aspects.
The downside is being perpetually tired. 단점이라면 늘 피곤하다는 것이겠지요.
bat for the other side/team = to be homosexual 동성애자인
civil partnership 동성간에 인정된 혼인 관계
a legal union or contract, similar to a marriage, between two people of the same sex
We’re an item. 우리는 사귀는 사이야
Suddenly I’m not good enough for you. 갑자기 내가 너한테 충분하지 않나 보네
I don’t know what I’m doing here. 제가 여기서 뭘 하는지 모르겠네요
I know this will come as a shock to some of you. 여러분들 중 몇몇에게는 충격적일 수도 있어요
It turns out, the thing is, I’m straight. 저는 이성애자인 걸로 판명났어요
미란다 이전 글 보기
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